Welcome to TR Music!

I’m glad that you’ve shown interest in working with us.  If you have a passion for music education and are thoughtful, patient, and organized with your students, this partnership may be for you. 

The Deal 

    • You create your own schedule of availability and, as long as you update us with any changes, we’ll help you fill it.
    • You maintain your own curriculum, and as long as your students are happy, we’ll send you more
    • Let us know which lessons were completed and when, and we’ll pay you twice monthly. Pay ranges from $20 to $35/ hour dependent on your retention rate and if you travel to the student.

Needed to Get Started

    • Cell phone and email access - It must be extremely easy for our team to reach you when a new student comes in.
    • Internet Access - A lot of our business (from payroll to scheduling) is handled online. You will need to have access to the desktop portal HERE
    • To complete your application click HERE.


What You Can Expect from Us

When your background check and screening is complete, we will publish your profile on our website and list you as available for new students.  We will email you each time we have one that fits your availability. It will be up to you to contact the new students in order to schedule your lessons. We process payroll on the 1st and the 16th of each month. It will include all of the lessons that you have listed as “completed” on your online calendar. Your options for payment are: paper check, PayPal, or direct deposit (our favorite).

What We Will Expect from You

After you get a new student email…

Review the information carefully, contact the student to confirm a first lesson, and report back to our office within 24 hours. Students will be matched with instructors on a first come first serve basis, so when you get this email, please respond quickly.

At your lessons…

You are expected to be on time and to act professionally and courteously at every lesson. Please inform our office of any student issues or concerns you may have at any time.

After you have confirmed a schedule with your student…

Login to your instructor portal to schedule the lesson in your online calendar. For directions on how to use your calendar, click HERE. This will send an automatic email reminder to your student with the lesson information and our 24 hour cancellation policy. This prevents students from thinking that they did not agree to a time or did not agree to our cancellation policy and it ensures that if they cancel late or no-show the lesson, you will still be paid.

After your lesson is completed…

Login to your instructor account and update the lesson status to “Complete”, “Student No-Show”, “Instructor No-Show”, or “Cancelled”. Doing this adds that lesson to your paycheck. By the way, a no-show is when one party does not give the other party 24 hours’ notice on a cancellation.



Our 24 Cancellation Policy

If the student “no-shows” or cancels late…
The teacher gets paid for the missed lesson as if it was completed. Keep in mind, this policy is only enforceable if the instructor schedules the lesson on the online calendar at least 48 hours in advance.

If the teacher “no-shows” or cancels late…
The teacher provides a free makeup lesson to the student for the inconvenience. This represents a core value at TR Music that our students’ time is just as valuable as our own.

The Instructor Agreement

Contracts are scary, so we’ve tried to make this one as easy and straight forward as possible. It says: 

  1. You give TR Music permission to process a criminal background check. We work with children and safety is our number one priority. This is not negotiable
  2. You are agreeing to work as an independent contractor. This means that we will not be taking taxes out of your check and you will continue to work as a self-employed independent contractor
  3. That you will never accept direct payment from any TR Music lead or student present or past. See the Expressly Prohibited section below.


About Taking Direct Payment

By applying with TR Music and signing our contractor agreement, you are agreeing to NEVER ACCEPT PAYMENT DIRECTLY FROM A TAYLOR ROBINSON MUSIC SOURCED LEAD/STUDENT PAST OR PRESENT.

Q: What if they offer? Direct them to pay with our office as they originally did.
Q: What if they have payment questions? Direct all questions back to our office.
Q: What if they say that they are no longer a TR Music Student? Inform them that your employment contract with us prohibits you from accepting payment directly from any TR Music contact lead or student- past or present.


Pay Periods: There are two pay periods per month. Pay ranges from $20 to $35/ hour dependent on your average student return rate. A return is when a student’s prepaid package of lessons is all used up and they then decide to return for a new package. Your student return rate is how often they decide, on average, to continue when their package is finished. It’s a BIG way we determine and reward the teachers who keep their student’s happy. As long as you are doing better than our average instructor you get an extra $5/hour. Not only will we pay you more, you will also get first pick and recommended first for future students. An additional $10 is paid per lesson when traveling to the student’s home. The first pay period goes from the 1st of the month to midnight on the 15th. The second is from the 16th to midnight on the last day of the month. If you don’t update your calendar before by the end of a pay period (the 15st and 31st of each month), we won’t know to add that payment to your check.


Paydays: Any lessons that you've taught and marked with a 'complete' status will be processed for payment automatically on the upcoming pay day. Payroll is processed on the 1st and 16th of each month (unless the date falls on a holiday or weekend, in which case payroll is always processed the following business day). After processing your payment on the pay day, it can take between 1-4 businesses days to receive your funds. This is dependent on your selected payment method preference.

Payment Methods:
You can opt to be paid via PayPal (3-4 biz days to receive funds) or direct deposit (1-2 biz days to receive funds).

Bonus Opportunities:
Driving to your student = extra $10 per lesson
Keeping your student return rate over our company average (66%) = extra $5 per hour
Referring a new customer to TRM = $25 (must complete one lesson)
Referring a new teacher to TRM = extra $50 (must complete 8 lessons)

Fees / Fines Instructor:

“No Show” or late cancellation = free lesson for the student
Accepting money directly from a TRMC sourced student = Immediate Dismissal and Legal Action.

In Summary

ALWAYS be professional and punctual at lessons
ALWAYS respond to the office within 24 hours of receiveing a new student 
ALWAYS keep your online calendar updated 
NEVER   accept direct payment from students